First Snow palette

 I was inspired by pictures of freshly fallen snow. Where there's kind of a hue of pink and blue to it, with the blue sky. It's just so pretty. I'm not going to lie, snow isn't my favorite - I like snow that only stays for a day or two, but freshly fallen snow... before anyone has stepped in it, plowed it, driven in it... it's just beautiful. There's no doubt about it.

Brand Key:

CP - Colourpop, ELC - Enchanted Lustre Cosmetics, TMC - Terra Moons Cosmetics, PFYF - Pretties For Your Face (affiliate code NATT for 20% off), MO - Moira Cosmetics, LX - Looxi Beauty, SB - Suva Beauty, NV - Norvina Beauty, MC - Menagerie Cosmetics, LC - Lethal Cosmetics
